IWP Health Inc (SafelyHQ Corp.) announced on September 23rd, 2021 that they have been awarded a contract from the Office of Analytics and Outreach in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
IWP Health Inc will provide artificial intelligence (AI)-driven, crowdsourced consumer data on foodborne illness and foodborne disease outbreaks, along with analytic support and analysis of real-time raw data on foodborne illness from their consumer reporting platform iwaspoisoned.com, including signals, trends, and alerts to real-time developing clusters, specifically where tied to a single product or location/restaurant/plant.
"Utilizing crowd-sourced data is a progressive approach to food safety that has many positive aspects, especially when it comes to close-to real-time decision making," stated Ben Chapman, PhD, Interim Department Head, and professor in the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences at NC State University, and an advisor to IWP Health Inc. "This new relationship is a fantastic demonstration of the types of public/private partnerships that can move food safety forward."
Patrick Quade, CEO of IWP Health Inc, stated, "We are delighted to participate in this program with the FDA and look forward to assisting in advancing the understanding of food safety foodborne illness dynamics during the COVID-19 and inform understanding and response for future events. We are strong supporters of the FDA's 'New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint' and look forward to partnering with the FDA to advance this initiative."
"The IWP Health Inc platform and iwaspoisoned data have proven many times to surface unique signals that can be directly linked to foodborne disease outbreaks, often in near real-time," stated Lee-Ann Jaykus, Ph.D., William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor (Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences North Carolina State University). "Partnership with the FDA will allow for a deeper dive into the value of and insights that can be derived from this type of crowd-sourced data, including characteristics of illnesses reported and the population(s) that commonly use these platforms. When combined with information from other sources and predictive analytics, valuable tools can be developed that will assist regulators and industry navigate the food safety landscape in a unique and timely manner, both during the pandemic and beyond."
About IWP Health Inc
IWP Health Inc is a data, analytics, and services company, crowdsourcing unique proprietary data through its crowdsourced platform iwaspoisoned.com.
FDA Funding Statement
The FDA sponsors the project referenced in this press release. The content of the information does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the federal government, and no official endorsement should be inferred.
Press Contact:
Patrick Quade, CEO, IWP Health Inc (SafelyHQ Corp.)
Related Links
https://dinesafe.org, https://iwaspoisoned.com